Safe and Secure
Enter your NowPayments API Generated Key. This key contains all the info needed for your referrals to pay you.
Fully Automated Member 2 Member Payments - You are the bank!.
Team Fund Pro has designed the first fully automated crypto processing website where you are your own bank. Upgrade into our 2x6 Member to Member matrix system and accept crypto for payment into your own wallet that fully automates the approval process.
No need for a smart contract, you can now receive your funds instantly from your referrals. We use a third party processing company called Once you signup with Team Fund Pro, we will guide you into the 2 minute setup so that you may receive all payments directly to your own crypto wallet.
Enter your NowPayments API Generated Key. This key contains all the info needed for your referrals to pay you.
Once your referral or downline click the pay now button, your payment addresses will be shown so they may send you the membership fees for each level.
We have limited the coins that we accept to the top six most used coins in crypto. They include: Bitcoin, Litecoin, TRON, Ethereum, Dogecoin, USDT TRC-20 and Ripple.
Once you enter in your NowPayments API Key, this will now enable all of your payments to be approved automatically. No need for manual approvals.
Each purchase you make in our system will give quality banner ads and text ads that you may use to advertise your other programs in our members backoffice.
Get started with just $3.00 of your favorite crypto currency. Upgrade through the 2 Phase 2x6 levels at your own pace. Level 2 cost $4, level 3 cost $10, Level 4 cost $25, Level 5 is $50 and Level 6 is $100. From here you can upgrade into Phase 2.
TeamFundPro operates on a member to member 2x6 matrix. Each levels paylines are as follows: Level 1 - 2 members, Level 2 - 4 members, Level 3 - 8 members, Level 4 - 16 members, Level 5 - 32 members and Level 6 - 64 members. TFP has 2 separate phases in which your downlines can upgrade under you.
Level 1 consists of 2 people in your first level of the first matrix. You will receive $3.00 from each of them.
Level 2 consists of 4 people in your second level of the second matrix. You will receive $4.00 from each of them.
Level 3 consists of 8 people in your third level of the third matrix. You will receive $10.00 from each of them.
Level 4 consists of 16 people in your fourth level of the fourth matrix. You will receive $25.00 from each of them.
Level 5 consists of 32 people in your fourth level of the fifth matrix. You will receive $50.00 from each of them.
Level 6 consists of 64 people in your fourth level of the fifth matrix. You will receive $100.00 from each of them.
Level 1 consists of 2 people in your fourth level of the first matrix. You will receive $200.00 from each of them.
Level 2 consists of 4 people in your third level of the third matrix. You will receive $300.00from each of them.
Level 3 consists of 8 people in your fourth level of the third matrix. You will receive $400.00 from each of them.
Level 4 consists of 16 people in your fourth level of the fourth matrix. You will receive $500.00 from each of them.
Level 5 consists of 32 people in your fourth level of the fifth matrix. You will receive $1000.00 from each of them.
Level 6 consists of 64 people in your fifth level of the sixth matrix. You will receive $2000.00 from each of them.
The Goal of each phase is to carry the same downline into both phases. Ultimately you fill Phase 1 2x6 over 6 levels, then they upgrade into Phase 2 in the same order as the first phase.
You are purchasing quality advertising for just $3.00 - a One Time Fee. No Monthly dues and NO ADMIN FEES!
After your refer your first 2 or 3 people from each payline, you will have earned enough to upgrade into the next level....all from your profits. You only ever need to spend the $3.00 for the first matrix, then you can upgrade from profits if you wish.
Don't worry we show you how to setup your automated payments, it takes literraly less than 2 minutes!
Phase 1 Level 1 - $3.00, Receive 500 Banner and 500 Text Ad Credits
Phase 1 Level 2 - $4.00, Receive 1,000 Banner and 1,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 1 Level 3 - $10.00, Receive 2,000 Banner and 2,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 1 Level 4 - $25.00, Receive 4,000 Banner and 4,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 1 Level 5 - $50.00, Receive 10,000 Banner and 10,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 1 Level 6 - $100.00, Receive 20,000 Banner and 20,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 2 Level 1 - $200.00, Receive 40,000 Banner and 40,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 2 Level 2 - $300.00, Receive 50,000 Banner and 50,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 2 Level 3 - $400.00, Receive 60,000 Banner and 60,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 2 Level 4 - $500.00, Receive 70,000 Banner and 70,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 2 Level 5 - $1,000.00, Receive 80,000 Banner and 80,000 Text Ad Credits
Phase 2 Level 6 - $2,000.00, Receive 100,000 Banner and 100,000 Text Ad Credits