Articles in this category I didn't receive my payment what do I do? Contact the person who was suppose to pay you This is a member to member payment system, contacting the admin will not help you recover or research any payments. Please login to your backoffice, click... 529 (18) When should I submit a support ticket? If you received a payment and someone didn't fall into your matrix or downline, submit a ticket. If you receive an error on the website, you can submit a ticket. Do not submit a ticket if you are mi... 374 (15)
Top articles I didn't receive my payment what do I do? Category: Knowledgebase Contact the person who was suppose to pay you This is a member to member payment system, contacting the admin will not help you recover or research any payments. Please login to your backoffice, click... 529 (18) When should I submit a support ticket? Category: Knowledgebase If you received a payment and someone didn't fall into your matrix or downline, submit a ticket. If you receive an error on the website, you can submit a ticket. Do not submit a ticket if you are mi... 374 (15)